
You can register online for the 2024-25 season by completing and submitting the form below.

See Rehearsals for rehearsal times and important dates.

Registration fees are reduced for the remainder of 2024-25:
Single member: $100
Family: $150

Registration can be paid online or by eTransfer to

    First Name Last Name Tel (home) Tel (cell) Email

    Parent/Guardian Name

    Parent/Guardian Tel (home)

    Parent/Guardian Email

    Emergency Contact Name

    Tel (home)

    Instrument played/requested:
    Do you own/rent this instrument or will it be borrowed from CBS Band? OwnBorrow

    If currently borrowing an instrument from CBS Band, enter serial number:

    Years of playing experience:

    If yes, what was the last CBS Band group(s) you played with: BeginnerIntermediateJuniorConcertJazz

    Single Member Registration ($200)Family Registration ($300)Other (as discussed with a CBS Band Committee member)

    Additional Donation (optional) $

    Registration is to be paid at or before the first rehearsal of the year, by:
              credit card
              eTransfer to